Teaching about God in a fun and engaging way

TakeOff is a fun and engaging experience for your preschooler! It includes an interactive large group experience that includes music, games and video storytelling plus a small group time with a pod of peers where they will work on a special activity to reinforce what they just learned!

We offer TakeOff at our 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM services each Sunday at The FOR Center, 2314 Brinn Rd, Murray, KY.

Want an easy way to know what your preschooler is learning on Sundays?

The Parent Cue App helps you, as a parent, follow along with what your preschooler is learning on Sunday mornings. It’s designed to help you do something simple each week to help move your child toward a deeper faith and a better future. Maximize your time—in the car, at the dinner table, before bedtime—and ask questions that help lead to simple faith conversations about what they’re already learning.

Download the app, search for “Journey Church”, and continue the conversation today!

Got questions about TakeOff?